Roll Your Mouse Over The Mug To Watch It Change Colors

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Customer Reviews
Cindy Doss
02/18/17I was looking for an inexpensive valentines gift for my husband who lives and dies from September until the middle of January every day (he saves his sick days and personal days off) and every weekend from 3am-until getting home about 10pm at night hunting. I had seen coffe mugs saying you are my sweethart and other mushy stuff that also turn from black to a beautiful picture and message when you pour coffee into the cup.
The cup arrived and his gift to me both arrived at the same time and he opened it up looked at it and said , oh thanks for a coffee mug...I opened his gift and thanked him. I went to the kitchen sink to wash out the cup and he said what the h__l you bought me a black mug....came into the kitchen and read it and loved it....the man holding the shotgun at sunrise looks alot like my husband and the script...The best part of waking up is hunting deer in rut.
The mug came in a styrophone box, all in one piece. You guys have a great start with a good product and so many different styles to choose from....I will definitely use you again for a special affordable gift for friends and family. It came promptly as was stated in the shipping information.....Keep up the good work!!!!!
Christine Rooker
12/14/16The cup is meant for a Birthday gift for my husband but it is absolutely beautiful thank you for doing such a wonder job on it.
sherry tenerovich
12/13/16Beautiful, great service and delivery ! thank you !
David Hochstetler
12/08/16I am very happy with the product and the shipping to Colorado was on time. Actually think it came in 7 days. Very good updates updates.
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